Listing# 1029479

Cablevey Enclosed 100mm Tubular Drag Conveyer System With Vibratory Bulk Bag Unloading Station

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Location:  Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Level of Removal:  Still Installed

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Equipment Description
Cablevey Enclosed 100mm Tubular Drag Conveyer System With Vibratory Bulk Bag Unloading Station
  • The system is designed to convey Oats from ground level up to the upper floor of the factory (circa 10m) and discharge them into a blender.
  • Includes the following items
  • Item 1/10 - Bulk Bag Bin Hoist - SWL 1250Kg, remote operated electric hoist for lifting bulk bags of product up and over the conveyor charging fill head.
  • Item 2/10 - Cage Enclosure - Stainless steel safety enclosure for raw material bulk bag handling
  • Item 3/10 - Riley-Syntron Feeder Vibration Conveyor unit with inflatable seal fill head - Manually operated inflatable fill head seal for connecting bulk bag to the vibratory conveyor. Two stage vibratory conveyor charges the oats into the drag conveyor inlet.
  • Item 4/10 - Turnaround Sprocket Box - Provides change of direction and cable tension
  • Item 5/10 - Checker Plate Step-Over
  • Item 6/10 - Brush Box - Contains two roller brushes that remove particles from the conveyor cable on return to the product inlet. Removed waste is collected via a discharge chute.
  • Item 7/10 - 100mm Tubular Stainless Steel Cable Enclosure and Drive Unit - Cable enclosure continues up into the Kitchen Area and includes the drive unit at high level above the Winkworth blender. The return follows the same route.
  • Item 8/10 - Power and Controls Enclosure
  • Item 9/10 - Parts on trolley
  • Item 10/10 - Parts on trolley

  • Specifications:
    Manufacturer Name
    Cablevey Inc

    Serial Number:

    How was the equipment used:
    Bulk Oat Transfer
    Bulk Oat Transfer

    400 VOLTS
    400 VOLTS

    50 HERTZ
    50 HERTZ


    Belt Size:
    3.94 in
    100 MM

    Type of Conveyors:

    Recommended Packaging Form:


    See all item dimensions

    Item #1:
    118.11 x 70.87 x 157.48 IN - 1,102.31 LBS
    3000.00 x 1800.00 x 4000.00 MM - 500.00 KGS

    Item #2:
    66.93 x 31.50 x 3.94 IN - 220.46 LBS
    1700.00 x 800.00 x 100.00 MM - 100.00 KGS

    Item #3:
    59.06 x 70.87 x 62.99 IN - 661.39 LBS
    1500.00 x 1800.00 x 1600.00 MM - 300.00 KGS

    Item #4:
    102.36 x 59.06 x 90.55 IN - 661.39 LBS
    2600.00 x 1500.00 x 2300.00 MM - 300.00 KGS

    Item #5:
    43.31 x 51.18 x 19.69 IN - 330.69 LBS
    1100.00 x 1300.00 x 500.00 MM - 150.00 KGS

    Item #6:
    51.18 x 31.50 x 51.18 IN - 132.28 LBS
    1300.00 x 800.00 x 1300.00 MM - 60.00 KGS

    Item #7:
    51.18 x 23.62 x 74.80 IN - 551.16 LBS
    1300.00 x 600.00 x 1900.00 MM - 250.00 KGS

    Item #8:
    1181.1 x 3.94 x 3.94 IN - 1,102.31 LBS
    30000.00 x 100.00 x 100.00 MM - 500.00 KGS

    Item #9:
    31.5 x 19.69 x 47.24 IN - 330.69 LBS
    800.00 x 500.00 x 1200.00 MM - 150.00 KGS

    Item #10:
    51.18 x 35.43 x 47.24 IN - 220.46 LBS
    1300.00 x 900.00 x 1200.00 MM - 100.00 KGS

    1755.91 x 70.87 x 157.48 in - 5313.09 lb
    44600 x 1800 x 4000 MM - 2410 KGS


    This lot is being sold "as is, where is". We recommend that you contact an EquipNet sales representative to set up your own inspection. This item is located in


    This equipment is subject to a removal and loading charge.

    Please Note The seller of this equipment requires the buyer to accept a sales agreement. Click here to view the sales agreement.

    The written description provided for this equipment is EXACTLY what you will receive if you opt to purchase this listing. Any items that are not in the description but appear in the visual representations of this listing will not be included in the sale. Photos and video are provided just as references and to give a general sense of condition.

    Please be aware that weights and dimensions of equipment provided on EquipNet’s listings are estimates and can vary from actual weights and size. Sellers estimates are often not precise especially when equipment was installed versus prepped for shipment. As such, please do not fully rely on the accuracy of this information in EquipNet’s listings for shipping quotes and/or user size requirements.

    Any license associated with this equipment is non-transferable.

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