NO. de listado 1029671

Máquina Taponadora Castus Stopper Processing System WS. Sin usar

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Descripción del equipo
Unused Castus Stopper (Component) Processing System WS.

  • The system is applicable for Vial Line.
  • Capacity: Variable process volume upto 350 litres.
  • Interface: Open system interface technology for unloading into any container.

  • System provides: clean, sterilised an dried stoppers and caps for pharmaceutical primary packing.
  • System, includes the following steps: Washing, Siliconising, Sterilising, Drying and Cooling.
  • System consists of four main components: The Container, The Troller, The Processing Unit and the Lifting Mechanism.
  • System constantly provides sterile stoppers while handling is facilitated by simple docking at different stations.
  • Sterile & efficient manufacturing process is not interrupted. Seamlessly system fits into filling process for aseptic transfer.

    Stopper (Component) Processing WS System consists of:
  • Loading Station in clean room:
  • > Cone & Positioning device;
  • > Drawings for Platform, plate, LF (in scope of customer);
  • Processing unit for stoppers & caps;
  • Clean room walls approx 3Mtrs large, 3Mtrs height;
  • 2 Container WS 150 ltrs, trolley equipped with lifting device;
  • 2 Containers WS 350 ltrs; trolley equipped with lifting device;
  • Automation system;
  • 1 Discharge unit for Stoppers & 1 Discharge unit for Caps;
  • > Trolley position/coupling system under the isolator;
  • > Transfer chute;
  • > Stainless steel plate at the isolator;
  • > Roating alpha transfer port (not included in scope of Castus);
  • Transfer chute controlled from outside of the isolator;
  • Recipe package with atleast 20 data sets for recipes;
  • The system can be operated by 1 person;
  • System is forseen for cleanroom C (Lifting devices, container, clean room side of treatment station & loading station);
  • The system will be manufactured according to GMP.

  • Automation System:
  • > Control System: CPU Siemens S7 1500;
  • > Operator Station: Scada IPC 547E Siemens; HDD 500 GB min; Screen 19" Flat LCD, Touch Panel;
  • > Software: Siemens Step7, CFC, SCL;; Visualisation Copadata standard tool-Zenon;
  • > Licences: Copadata, Windows 10, Recipes with Copadata Zenon tool;
  • > Batch Data Recording;
  • > Security: are typical CFR21 part11 items installed;
  • > Color Laser Printer; UPS for Scada & PLC;MCC/PLC/Skid Cabinets;

    Equipment is located at the OEM facility in Germany and is at the early stages of manufacturing.
    FAT can be offered at the OEM facility, after due consultation with OEM.
    Photos of the equipment in this listing page are at the OEM facility shop floor.

  • Especificaciones:


    Stopper Processing System WS
    Stopper Processing System WS

    92.49 gal
    350 L

    Marca CE:

    Empaque recomendado:


    118.11 x 118.11 x 118.11 in - 5511.50 lb
    3000 x 3000 x 3000 MM - 2500 KGS

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