Listing# 1018565

Labconco FreeZone Triad Benchtop Freeze Dryer

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Seller's Acceptable Currency:

$20,000.00 USD

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Location:  North America

Level of Removal:  Uncrated/Loose

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Equipment Description
Labconco FreeZone Triad Benchtop Freeze Dryer
  • The Free Dry or Lyophilizer (with vacuum pump) is brand new purchased in late 2021 and never used it.
  • FreeZone Triad Benchtop Freeze Dryers are designed for multiple types of lyophilization: flask, bulk and stoppering vials.
  • With the ability to freeze dry samples in so many different forms, the Triad's versatility and compact design make it perfect for busy labs.

    Secador Por Congelación De Sobremesa Triad FreeZone De Labconco
  • El liofilizador o secador de aire libre (con bomba de vacío) es nuevo, se compró a fines de 2021 y nunca se usó.
  • Los secadores por congelación de sobremesa Triad de FreeZone están diseñados para múltiples tipos de liofilización: frascos, viales a granel y viales con tapón.
  • Con la capacidad de congelar muestras secas en tantas formas diferentes, la versatilidad y el diseño compacto del Triad lo hacen perfecto para laboratorios con mucha actividad.

  • Specifications:
    Manufacturer Name
    Labconco Corporation


    FreeZone Triad
    FreeZone Triad

    Size of Shelves - length x width:
    12.4 x 14.5 IN
    12.4 x 14.5 mm

    Distance Between Shelves:
    5.83 in
    148 MM

    230 VOLTS
    230 VOLTS

    60 HERTZ
    60 HERTZ


    12 AMPS
    12 AMPS

    Recommended Packaging Form:


    30 x 29 x 28 IN - 440.92 lb
    762.00 x 736.60 x 711.20 mm - 200 KGS


    This lot is being sold "as is, where is". We recommend that you contact an EquipNet sales representative to set up your own inspection. This item is located in

    the USA.

    This equipment is subject to a removal and loading charge.

    The written description provided for this equipment is EXACTLY what you will receive if you opt to purchase this listing. Any items that are not in the description but appear in the visual representations of this listing will not be included in the sale. Photos and video are provided just as references and to give a general sense of condition.

    Please be aware that weights and dimensions of equipment provided on EquipNet’s listings are estimates and can vary from actual weights and size. Sellers estimates are often not precise especially when equipment was installed versus prepped for shipment. As such, please do not fully rely on the accuracy of this information in EquipNet’s listings for shipping quotes and/or user size requirements.

    Any license associated with this equipment is non-transferable.