Número do item 1029428

lote de 3 Cabine de Segurança Biológica The Baker Company BioProTech III

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Moeda Aceitável de Vendedores:

$18,000.00 USD

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Localização:  MA, Estados Unidos

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Descrição do equipamento
Lot Of 3 Unused Disassembled The Baker Company BioProTech III Biological Saftey Cabinet
  • Weights Are Estimates Weighed On Uncalibrated Fork Truck Scale Pallets Are To Large To Fit On Floor Scale
  • Unit weight: The weight of the BIOPROtect III cabinet is approximately 2300 lbs.
  • Dimensions: BioProtect III
  • : 116.88”W x 50.00”D (FOOT PRINT) x 102.50”H (over junction boxes)
  • Usable work area: 102”W x 36.5”D x 75”H (under diffuser)
  • The work area surfaces and plenums of your BIOPROtect III have been constructed entirely of metal
    in order to provide strength, durability, air-tightness and resistance to deterioration. External
    construction is of 16-gauge cold-rolled steel, protected by a smooth white baked enamel finish
  • The BIOPROtect III and BIOPROtect III-LE is a Class II Bio-Containment Enclosure designed to house
    laboratory robotics or large apparatus that would not ordinarily fit in a standard Class II Biological Safety
    Cabinet (BSC). Some important features of the BIOPROtect III/-LE include, vertical laminar airflow, a front
    access opening, as well as supply & exhaust HEPA filters. The unit is designed to protect not only the
    environment and the people using the cabinet, but also the product within from airborne contaminants. The
    BIOPROtect III/-LE can be configured to vent two different ways. Vent to the room, or Vent to a Canopy
    Exhaust Connection (C.E.C.) via a house exhaust system. Although your unit has passed a microbiological
    test, a modification of NSF/ANSI standard-49-2002e, the BIOPROtect III/-LE is not currently listed with the
  • The BIOPROtect III/-LE is designed to be used under the following conditions:
  • Indoor use
  • Altitudes up to 2000 meters
  • Temperature range from 5° C to 40° C
  • Relative humidity up to 80%
  • Main supply voltage
  • 115 V AC ±10% for 120 V circuits
  • 220 V AC ±10% for 220 V circuits
  • Maximum relative humidity 80 percent for temperatures up to 31°C decreasing linearly to 50 percent
  • relative humidity at 40°C.
  • Transient over voltages according to Installation Category (OVERVOLTAGE CATEGORIES) II per UL
  • 61010-1, 2nd Edition
  • Pollution Degree 2
  • One 115 V, 20 Amp, 60 Hz, Single phase connection for power to the right side wall duplex outlet. This
    circuit should be wired using 12 AWG wire and with a 20 Amp circuit breaker that will serve as a
    disconnect for this power supply.
  • One 115 V, 15 Amp, 60 Hz, Single phase connection for control power and power to the left side wall
    duplex outlet. This circuit should be wired using 14 AWG wire and with a 15 Amp circuit breaker
    that will serve as a disconnect for this power supply
  • One 115 Volt, 20 Amp, 60 Hz, Single phase connection to power the two blowers. This circuit should be
    wired using 12 AWG wire and with a 20 Amp circuit breaker that will serve as a disconnect for this
    power supply
  • The BIOPROtect III/-LE is provided with three modes of access to the work area; via the large hinged
    doors that can be opened to access the entire work area, the hinged viewscreens (providing access to the
    work surface) or from the 8” x 42” access (sash) openings between the bottom of the closed viewscreens and
    the air intake grates. The primary means of access must be through the 8” sash openings. This is the only
    means of access that will ensure the user protection from contaminants within the enclosure.

  • Especificações:
    Nome do fabricante
    The Baker Company


    Número de Série:

    Marcado CE:

    BioProTech III
    BioProTech III

    115 VOLTS
    115 VOLTS

    60 HERTZ
    60 HERTZ

    15/20 AMPS
    15/20 AMPS

    HEPA Filter Intact:

    Forma Recomendável da Embalagem:


    Veja todas as dimensões do item

    Item #1:
    90 x 108,00 x 94,00 IN - 0,03 LBS
    90,00 x 108,00 x 94,00 IN - 3.000,00 LBS

    Item #2:
    48 x 108,00 x 53,00 IN - 0,02 LBS
    48,00 x 108,00 x 53,00 IN - 2.120,00 LBS

    Item #3:
    48 x 123,00 x 60,00 IN - 0,02 LBS
    48,00 x 123,00 x 60,00 IN - 2.180,00 LBS

    Item #4:
    48 x 96,00 x 51,00 IN - 0,02 LBS
    48,00 x 96,00 x 51,00 IN - 2.030,00 LBS

    Item #5:
    48 x 96,00 x 52,00 IN - 0,02 LBS
    48,00 x 96,00 x 52,00 IN - 2.150,00 LBS

    Item #6:
    48 x 121,00 x 53,00 IN - 0,02 LBS
    48,00 x 121,00 x 53,00 IN - 2.200,00 LBS

    Item #7:
    48 x 105,00 x 60,00 IN - 0,02 LBS
    48,00 x 105,00 x 60,00 IN - 2.100,00 LBS

    378 x 123 x 94 IN - 15780 LBS
    9601,20 x 3124,20 x 2387,60 mm - 7157,81 kg

    Aviso Legal

    Recomendamos que você entre em contato com a EquipNet para agendar uma visita ao equipamento (19) 3277-1125, [email protected].


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    Favor levar em consideração O vendedor deste equipamento exige que o comprador aceite um contrato de venda. Clique para ver o contrato de vendas

    Quaisquer itens que não estão na descrição, mas aparecem nas representações visuais, não serão incluídos na venda. Remoção, desmontagem, embalagem, seguro e frete: custos de responsabilidade do comprador. Poderão haver requisitos específicos na execução dos serviços dentro da área do vendedor. Poderá ser obrigatória a realização dos serviços somente por empresas que já são homologadas pelo vendedor.