Número do item 991765

Túnel de Despirogenização Groninger STH-1154

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Localização:  Burgwedel, Alemanha

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Descrição do equipamento
  • The equipment is designed to operate following objects: 2 ml vials
  • Vial type 2R / Vial diameter 16 (mm) / Vial height 35 (mm) / Output (vials per minute) 300
  • Equipment was purchased and never used - currently stored in original manufacturer's crates

    Infeed turntable
  • Model: DTE 1006
  • Serial #: 12725
  • Used for transport of vials to the infeed of the hot air sterilizing tunnel via infeed turntable and transport conveyor.

    Infeed pusher
  • Model: ETE 100
  • Serial #: 12726
  • The machine infeed (the supply of vials) from the upstream machine into the hot air sterilization tunnel is
    realized by using of an infeed pusher.
  • Infeed conveyor and transverse stroke unit for the vial feeding
  • Feeding of vials to the infeed pusher via scroll
  • Object offset during infeed pushing by means of transverse stroke
  • Parallel insertion onto the tunnel conveyor
  • The servo-controlled transverse stroke unit transports the vials to the tunnel infeed. At every 2nd bar,
    the series is shifted by half a vial measure. This ensures that the inserted vials are pushed into the
    gaps in the last row, thus creating the densest vial pack on the tunnel conveyor.

    Laminar Flow Unit
  • Model: LF
  • Serial #:12727
  • The air in the air circulation system is directed to the vials via class H14 HEPA- filter.
  • The air temperature in the infeed zone is 50 °C - 60 °C and is regulated by the exhaust and circulating
    air controller with infinitely adjustable two-way slides in the base frame. Slides to the right and left of
    the doors regulate the circulating air, a pusher on the face regulates the exhaust air. The slides are
    operated by a linear drive each. If the air temperature is too high, the circulating air slides are closed
    and the warm air is discharged to the surrounding space or the exhaust air duct through open exhaust
    slides and then fans.

    Hot air sterilizing tunnel
  • Model: STH 1154
  • Serial #:12728
  • In the hot air sterilizing tunnel the vials are sterilized and depyrogenized
  • The hot air sterilizing tunnel has the following three zones: infeed zone - heating zone and cooling zone.
  • Heating zone:
  • Sterilization zone with regulated Laminar Flow unit (air speed is regulated by the supply air
  • Sterilization zone with electronically regulated hot air (250 °C – 320 °C) from heating
    elements attached to the tunnel walls on the right and left. The hot air is directed to the
    vials by means of LF filters
  • The maximum tunnel conveyor speed is 300 mm / min.
  • Infrared radiators in the infeed section below the tunnel conveyor heat the glass bottoms to evaporate
    residual moisture in the container to prevent humid air from entering the downstream heating zone.
  • PLC manufacturer is Siemens - model: S7 with a 19" touchscreen interface
  • A Batch protocol system is integrated to the hot air sterilizing tunnel. - Batch protocol system means the same as production data acquisition.

  • Especificações:
    Nome do fabricante

    Número de Série:


    400 VOLTS
    400 VOLTS

    50 HERTZ
    50 HERTZ


    Forma Recomendável da Embalagem:


    0,00 x 0,00 x 0,00 in - 0,00 lb
    0 x 0 x 0 MM - 0 KGS

    Aviso Legal

    Recomendamos que você entre em contato com a EquipNet para agendar uma visita ao equipamento (19) 3277-1125, [email protected].


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    Favor levar em consideração O vendedor deste equipamento exige que o comprador aceite um contrato de venda. Clique para ver o contrato de vendas

    Quaisquer itens que não estão na descrição, mas aparecem nas representações visuais, não serão incluídos na venda. Remoção, desmontagem, embalagem, seguro e frete: custos de responsabilidade do comprador. Poderão haver requisitos específicos na execução dos serviços dentro da área do vendedor. Poderá ser obrigatória a realização dos serviços somente por empresas que já são homologadas pelo vendedor.

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