Listing# 980383

Roche - Cobas 6800 System - Automated And Integrated Workflow To Run PCR Based Nucleic Acid Testing

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Seller's Acceptable Currency:

$20,000.00 USD

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Location:  FL, USA

Level of Removal:  Still Installed

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Equipment Description
Roche - Cobas 6800 System
  • The cobas 6800 system supports an integrated, automated workflow for performing polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based nucleic acid testing (NAT).
  • Cobas 6800 Systems combine the capabilities of instrumentation, consumables, reagents and data management to provide an efficient workflow from sample processing to result interpretation.
  • The cobas® 6800 system is a fully automated, high-volume testing solution that can boost laboratory efficiency in several ways.
  • Get up to 864 results in an eight-hour shift and up to 1,440 results in 24 hours.*
  • Get up to 8 hours of battery life* with just 3 user interactions per series.
  • Optimizes resource-intensive applications such as IVD viral load monitoring, hemoscreening, microbiology testing, and women's health.
  • As the first fully integrated, high-throughput laboratory automation system with an extensive assay menu, the Cobas 6800 system lets you experience real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology like never before.
  • Equipment has been QA, QC and tested, but the equipment has never been used on patient samples.
  • All serious offers will be considered.

    Roche - Sistema Cobas 6800
  • El sistema cobas 6800 admite un flujo de trabajo automatizado e integrado para realizar pruebas de ácidos nucleicos (NAT) basadas en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR).
  • Cobas 6800 Systems combinan las funcionalidades de la instrumentación, el material fungible, los reactivos y la gestión de datos para proporcionar un flujo de trabajo eficaz desde el procesamiento de muestras hasta la interpretación de resultados.
  • El sistema cobas® 6800 es una solución totalmente automatizada con un alto volumen de pruebas que puede impulsar la eficiencia del laboratorio de varias formas.
  • Obtén hasta 864 resultados en un turno de ocho horas y hasta 1440 resultados en 24 horas.*
  • Consigue hasta 8 horas de tiempo de autonomía operativa* con solo 3 interacciones de usuario por serie.
  • Optimiza las aplicaciones con uso intensivo de recursos, como la monitorización IVD de la carga viral, el hemocribado, las pruebas de microbiología y la salud de la mujer.
  • Como primer sistema de automatización del laboratorio de alto rendimiento y totalmente integrado con un amplio menú de ensayos, el sistema Cobas 6800 te permite experimentar la tecnología de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) en tiempo real como nunca antes.
  • El equipo ha sido sometido a control de calidad y control de calidad, pero nunca se ha utilizado en muestras de pacientes.
  • Se considerarán todas las ofertas serias.

  • Specifications:
    Manufacturer Name


    3500 VA
    3500 VA

    50/60 HERTZ
    50/60 HERTZ

    200-240 VOLTS
    200-240 VOLTS

    cobas 6800
    cobas 6800

    Serial Number:

    Recommended Packaging Form:


    114.96 x 85.04 x 50.79 in - 3580.27 lb
    2920 x 2160 x 1290 MM - 1624 KGS


    This lot is being sold "as is, where is". We recommend that you contact an EquipNet sales representative to set up your own inspection. This item is located in


    This equipment is subject to a removal and loading charge.

    The written description provided for this equipment is EXACTLY what you will receive if you opt to purchase this listing. Any items that are not in the description but appear in the visual representations of this listing will not be included in the sale. Photos and video are provided just as references and to give a general sense of condition.

    Please be aware that weights and dimensions of equipment provided on EquipNet’s listings are estimates and can vary from actual weights and size. Sellers estimates are often not precise especially when equipment was installed versus prepped for shipment. As such, please do not fully rely on the accuracy of this information in EquipNet’s listings for shipping quotes and/or user size requirements.

    Any license associated with this equipment is non-transferable.