Maquinaria usada marca Tuthill

Tuthill is a leading provider and manufacturer of various pumps and related equipment for a number of industries. Tuthill is well known for their durable and reliable equipment that ensures lasting solutions for a number of processing and metering needs. Tuthill aims for flexible and innovative designs that offer the ideal solutions for a number of processing needs.

EquipNet is constantly receiving used Tuthill equipment through our exclusive contracts with our clients. Our inventory of used Tuthill equipment includes a number of blowers in different models and styles. If you do not see the used Tuthill equipment you are looking for, call one of our representatives and we will find it for you. We can also source the right tooling and change parts that you need through our huge network of corporate clients from around the globe.

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EquipNet gestiona decenas de sitios web privados para los mayores fabricantes del mundo. Estas plataformas ARMS (Sistema de gestión de redistribución de activos) permiten a las empresas transferir internamente equipos de una instalación a otra hasta que estén listas para vender los artículos en nuestro mercado secundario.

Si no puede encontrar algo que se ajuste a sus necesidades en, comuníquese con uno de nuestros representantes de ventas para ver si podemos encontrarlo en uno de nuestros sitios ARMS. Si coincide, nos comunicaremos con los propietarios para ver si están dispuestos a venderlo de inmediato.