Purchase Pre-Owned CBD and Cannabis Processing Equipment

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compound that is extracted from cannabis plants. It is a 21-carbon terpenophenolic compound which is formed following decarboxylation from a cannabidiolic acid precursor. The Medical Cannabis Market is expected to rocket up to USD 54.34 billion by 2029, and to undergo a CAGR of 22.1% during the forecast period 2022 to 2029.

Covering Each Step Of The Production

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Industry News

All You Need to Know About Cannabis Extraction

Cannabis extraction involves removing a cannabis product from the cannabis plant. Cannabis contains high levels of psychoactive and medicinal ingredients. This process creates a product more useful for a specific purpose than the plant itself. The product has been helpful in cooking, baking, and recreation. This process has been there for long by the use of basic tools. However, in modern-day, there are sophisticated tools and equipment used in the extraction process.

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