Leading Global Food Packaging Company
New York, USA

The Client

The client is a leading manufacturer and distributor of food products including organic and low-calorie sweeteners. This company offers over 50 years of experience within the food industry and focuses on providing a nutritious product line to complement diet and exercise.

The Challenge

The client was re-vamping its facility in New York and was switching from manufacturing equipment to co-packers to increase efficiency and improve workflow. The client was seeking an all-inclusive and proactive solution to sell many pieces of the same equipment while gaining financial return within a reasonable timeframe. Equipment included Ropak and Cloud-Jones Form Fill Seal Machines, Stainless Steel Blenders, Mettler Toledo Metal Detectors, 3M Case Tapers, and more.

The Solution

EquipNet realized the challenge of selling multiple pieces of the same equipment, and put our Cascading Sales ModelTM into place to gain optimum results for the client. EquipNet’s Cascading Sales ModelTM utilizes a number of sales channels, including Proactive Asset Sales through the online MarketPlaceTM, and a Dedicated Online Auction Event through our Auction platform.

The Result
food equipment management

EquipNet’s services allowed the client to achieve their desired goal of over $1,000,000 in disposition results within 9 months. Auction sales made a large portion of these values with 85 Auction Bidders from 8 different countries.

Client Testimonial

“With [your] support, we [were] able to meet our financial goals while also learning in the process. On behalf of my Team…I can say that we are glad that we made the decision to partner with EquipNet on this project. As such, if the opportunity was to present itself again, we would not hesitate to utilize the services of your company again.”

– VP, Manufacturing Operations

Number of Assets

Sales Proceeds
$1+ Million

Equipment Categories
Form Fill Seal Machines
Stainless Steel Blenders
Metal Detectors
Case Packers

Project Management
Onsite Inventory
Dedicated Online Auction
Proactive Asset Sales
Worldwide Logistics
Post-Auction Support

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