Online Auction #1402 Sanofi Lab Closure in Cambridge, UK

Lot 18 Listing# 1005890 Bio Rad NGC Quest 100 Plus Chromatography Duplex System with Duplex NGC Fraction Collectors

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Equipment Description
Bio Rad NGC Quest 100 Plus Chromatography Duplex System with Duplex NGC Fraction Collectors
This duplex system includes the following items,
  • Item 1/7 - Bio Rad NGC Quest 100 Plus Chromatography System with NGC 3rd and 4th Story Expansion Frames
  • Item 2/7 - Bio Rad Fraction Collector
  • Item 3/7 - Bio Rad NGC Quest 100 Plus Chromatography System with NGC 3rd and 4th Story Expansion Frames
  • Item 4/7 - Bio Rad Fraction Collector
  • Item 5/7 - Brother Printer
  • Item 6/7 - Lenovo Laptop Computer
  • Item 7/7 - Dell 27" LCD Display

  • Specifications:
    Manufacturer Name


    NGC Quest 100 Plus
    NGC Quest 100 Plus

    Serial Number:

    CE Marked:

    230 VOLTS
    230 VOLTS

    50/60 HERTZ
    50/60 HERTZ


    Recommended Packaging Form:


    See all item dimensions

    Item #1:
    29.92 x 31.50 x 37.40 IN - 88.18 LBS
    760.00 x 800.00 x 950.00 MM - 40.00 KGS

    Item #2:
    21.65 x 31.50 x 25.20 IN - 66.14 LBS
    550.00 x 800.00 x 640.00 MM - 30.00 KGS

    Item #3:
    29.92 x 31.50 x 37.40 IN - 88.18 LBS
    760.00 x 800.00 x 950.00 MM - 40.00 KGS

    Item #4:
    21.65 x 31.50 x 25.20 IN - 66.14 LBS
    550.00 x 800.00 x 640.00 MM - 30.00 KGS

    Item #5:
    3.15 x 6.69 x 5.71 IN - 2.20 LBS
    80.00 x 170.00 x 145.00 MM - 1.00 KGS

    Item #6:
    12.6 x 8.66 x 1.57 IN - 6.61 LBS
    320.00 x 220.00 x 40.00 MM - 3.00 KGS

    Item #7:
    24.02 x 7.48 x 19.29 IN - 6.61 LBS
    610.00 x 190.00 x 490.00 MM - 3.00 KGS

    142.91 x 31.50 x 37.40 in - 324.08 lb
    3630 x 800 x 950 MM - 147 KGS


    Certain sellers requires that we assess state sales tax where applicable. Sales tax can only be waived if a valid sales tax exemption certificate is provided.

    This lot is being sold "as is, where is". We recommend that you contact an EquipNet sales representative to set up your own inspection.

    This equipment is subject to a removal and loading charge.

    The written description provided for this equipment is EXACTLY what you will receive if you opt to purchase this listing. Any items that are not in the description but appear in the visual representations of this listing will not be included in the sale. Photos and video are provided just as references and to give a general sense of condition.

    Please be aware that weights and dimensions of equipment provided on EquipNet’s listings are estimates and can vary from actual weights and size. Sellers estimates are often not precise especially when equipment was installed versus prepped for shipment. As such, please do not fully rely on the accuracy of this information in EquipNet’s listings for shipping quotes and/or user size requirements.

    Any license associated with this equipment is non transferable.


    Bridgend , Wales, United Kingdom

    Event Start Date:


    Invoices Will be Sent:

    All invoices are due upon receipt

    Handling Fee:

    £75.00 GBP

    This is the cost to get the item from its location to an area where it can safely be loaded (unless otherwise noted). Packaging and shipping are additional and can be provided once your equipment invoice has been paid.


    The seller of this equipment requires the buyer to accept sales agreement